Demo Content Installation

Demo Content Installation

Note: Please make sure you install the ThemeTechMount Extras for Boldman Theme plugin as this plugin is required to setup demo content. Click here to know more about how to install this plugin.

We set easy one-click process for full demo content setup. This demo content setup will also import slider in "Revolution Slider" plugin and also do some extra settings. Please follow steps given below.

One-Click Demo Content Installation

  1. Check the System requirements to ensure your server meets the requirements for a successful import.
  2. Make sure all theme required pluginsare installed and activated.
  3. Navigate to Admin > Appearance > Import Demo Data Page
  4. Select a demo variation and click the Import button.
  5. Wait until the import routine is done. Please be patient and don’t navigate away, as this can take few minutes depending on your host’s performance.
  6. You will be notified once the process is completed, at which time you can check the results.